Candy Band Blog

Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween is right around the corner!!! Did you get your pumpkin for carving yet?? Not to fear - you can carve a pumpkin right here:

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Our big show this Saturday morning at the Music Box inside of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra complex. TINY TOTS CONCERTS! Rock-o-ween with Candy Band. We love playing there and will do just that at 10am on October 27th. There might be a few tickets left - check it out at xoxo A.Joy

Monday, October 22, 2007

Welcome Josephine!! We finally purchased a new family pet. This is what she will look like at full size - right now she is about the size of this rats head!! Josephine is only 6 weeks old and is so small (about the size of a full grown mouse). Please pronounce her name with a "soft J".
xoxo A.Joy

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

This Sunday - I am excited to be a part of the Ypsilanti Songwriting Festival. I will perform with my friend Sweet-tart at 2pm at the Whitaker Road location. I will perform all the songs that I wrote for the Candy Band and explain how and why I wrote them!!! Check it out for more info: Hope to see you there!!! xoxo A.Joy

Squirrel Story o'mine: I had a bonfire on Saturday night, drank a glass of wine and left some in the bottom of the glass. Left the glass outside. A squirrel came along and tipped the glass . The bit of wine in the bottome of the glass spilled all over the table, of course. Now, every morning, this squirrel comes and licks the table and chews on the tablecloth. Naughty drunk squirrel!!! xoxo A.Joy

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The other day, my daughter tells me that I don't need to make her lunch for the next day. I asked her why? She tells me that she still has half of her turkey sandwich left from her last lunch. This is on a Sunday night - so the lunch was left from Friday. I ask her where the sandwich is and she says right there!! Her lunchbox was in the family room "all weekend". YUK!!! xoxo A.Joy

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

SAVE THE EARTH - RECYCLE!!! I started a little "club" in my neighborhood, where every month, the next person on the list has to collect all the green glass and styrofoam (well actually, everyone has to drop it off at that persons house) and take it to the recycling center on 8 Mile and Evergreen. They accept these two items there and our town does not. My trunk was PACKED and I was so glad that did not go into a landfill!! For the nearest recycling center near you - check out this website:
xoxo A.Joy

Monday, October 08, 2007

Blast from the past for this Monday!! This pic was taken at Boulan Park in Troy a couple of years ago during the filming for The Today Show!! It was 98 degrees and humid, much like this past weekend in Michigan. xoxo A.Joy

Saturday, October 06, 2007

This one is just too cute not to post!! Hope you all have a great weekend. We have lots of soccer and Euchre!!! xoxo A.Joy

Thursday, October 04, 2007

It's fire prevention week - plan your escape. Today I was copying stuff for a teacher at school and the fire alarm went off. I had to exit quickly with the kids - thank goodness it was just a drill. I actually thought I could hide in the copy room because I had so much to do - but that would have been really bad. What if it was a real fire??? That's what drills are for!!! xoxo A.Joy

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Okay - it's that time of the year again - check this out. I love how the "vampdog" is showing his fangs!!! I have more of these to post - I will try and stretch them out through the month!! Thanks Mom!! xoxo A.Joy

Monday, October 01, 2007

Wow - here's my Monday Blast from the Past for this week. This was taken in Starbursts' kitchen before we even had a gig!!! We look soooo much better now - even though we are 4 years older!!! xoxo A.Joy