Candy Band Blog

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Take the car test. All you have to do is answer some questions and see what kind of car you are. I found out that I am a Corvette!!

xoxo A.Joy

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

This Friday at the YWCA in Clawson (248-435-9100) for a mere $5 - you can see some great young raw talent. Be there at 7pm
xoxo A.Joy

Monday, November 27, 2006

I took my kids to see the Jonas Brothers at a Radio Disney concert yesterday. The teenage girls screamed soooooooo loud. Here are two of them - they were cute and fun. They should open for Candy Band sometime.
xoxo A.Joy

Saturday, November 25, 2006

The last ten days have been so hectic. The band was in a parade, I had 20 guests for Thanksgiving dinner, 14 people spent the night at my house. But the big payoff was last night - I saw a sold-out Wolfmother show at the Majestic. We were in the 3rd row along with a bunch of other crazed fans (I am a crazed fan). They played their entire album and ROCKED the house. Thank you Wolfmother for existing!!!

xoxo A.Joy

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I'm thankful for family, friends, home, health and of course my buds in the Candy Band...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Birthday - If you want to find out some fun facts about your birthday, click on the following link (be honest!!) (thanks Mom for sending me this!!)

Happy Thanksgiving all!!!

xoxo A.Joy

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Well, we were in the RO Holiday Magic Parade on Saturday and our "truck" shows up and lo and behold it's a mini semi. Do we look rockin or what???
All the other bands had fancy decorated trailers - ours was pretty freaky - next year we have to shop around!!
xoxo A.Joy

Of all days for my hair to be flat. I went to the salon this day and got my "color" in order and the stylist gave me a blow dry like never before. He didn't understand that I like to wear my hair messy. Well that night I went to see Dan Zanes at the DIA - now this is messy cool hair. He was awesome!! Thanks for a great show Dan!!
xoxo A.Joy

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My mother sent me this - it's called the 4 stages of life!!

xoxo A.Joy

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
In October, Candy Band aired on Chic-a-go-go - a cult fave of the local cable scene in Chicago. Here is a rundown of what was on our show:
What an honor to be on the same show as the people listed above!!! Thanks Jake!!
Watch for details soon on how to purchase a dvd of this show!!

xoxo A.Joy

Wanted to give my 2 cents about our recording session last week. It's funny how you never know what songs you're gonna like best, until you listen back multiple times. One of our least favorite songs going into recording is now one of my favorites... my kids love it too. It's called "My Bike". It talks about how "my bike is cool, my bike is sweet (word from the 80's?), it takes me where I want to be". Even my 10 year old son thinks it's SWEET! Look for it on our upcoming CD.

Monday, November 13, 2006

As I heard the garbage man pulling up this morning - I made a mad dash out front in my pajamas to discard our rotting pumpkins. Nothing looks or smells quite like this baby. Pictured here is not one of my creations - but you get the idea!!

xoxo A.Joy

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Last night the family watched Freaky Friday. I love that movie!! During the concert scene near the end when Jamie Lee Curtis was backstage playing guitar for a dumbfounded Lindsay Lohan - my girls asked me if I could play that on the guitar. Hahahahaha - I could have shredded that song - just let Candy Band get a hold of it!!!

xoxo A.Joy

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Today Becca had a playdate. I was asking the kid how old his brother was and he said nine. Becca said he looked more like ten. Visually, what is the difference between a nine and ten year old??

xoxo A.Joy
Cool - I was just turned on to a blurb about us in clever parents (aren't we all!!) My friends in Madelines Toybox turned me on to this - thanks guys!!
xoxo A.Joy

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Today we practiced. We are recording on Thursday - this is one of my favorite things to do in the whole world. I love playing loud music with my band and hearing the results and adding more stuff to it (ya know, farts and burps and stuff). As usual, we are gonna have some cool surprises on this new disc - we will be releasing it in the new year. Can't wait!!! The cover will blow your mind too!
xoxo A.Joy

Monday, November 06, 2006

My dog is sick - she has gastro something or other. Doctors orders?: Pepto + Chicken + Yogurt + antibiotics. Uck! I made her all of the above mixed together and she looked at me like I was crazy. But......she ate it!!!

xoxo A.Joy

Thursday, November 02, 2006

As promised - here is my set up for Trunk or Treat! Shredder appeared "dead" one night only (actually he appeared "dead" one more night on my front lawn (Halloween). I blasted Wolfmother for added hard rockin effect. What will I do next year??? Maybe I'll go classical??

xoxo A.Joy