Candy Band Blog

Saturday, October 21, 2006

I decided to make chocolate cupcakes with my girls this afternoon. I don't really like to bake, so I thought I would get them into it - in hopes that maybe one day they will take over. Well, I dug out alot of eggshells, and had to wipe off batter from everywhere. When I had to finish filling up the little cake pans, because they got bored and quit (I ran out of cupcake papers - and used a bunch of little aluminum pans), I was stirring and there was something super lumpy in there - it was a little spoon buried at the bottom of the bowl (how did that get there??). Anyways, pictured at left is cacao in its rawest form. Doesn't look as yummy as our cupcakes will. Can't wait to decorate with chocolate frosting - I am sure that will be a super huge massive mess and if you know me - you know how I love to clean up messes NOT!

xoxo A.Joy


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