Candy Band Blog

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Here are some questions that were asked of me for a magazine interview - let's call it "Getting to know Almond Joy!!"

What do you wish you had invented? The “E” chord
What do you consider your greatest professional achievement? My kids!!!
Tell us the URL of one site (other than your own) that you think is essential for doing business on the Net, and why. I love because it helps me figure out what to wear on any given day.
If you weren't doing what you're doing now, what would you be doing?
I would love to be a hor’s devours chef at a restaurant.
What is your favorite word? Yes
What is your least favorite word? No
What turns you on? Cool guitar riffs
What turns you off? People chewing gum
What sound do you love? Cool guitar riffs
What sound do you hate? People chewing gum
What profession would you not like to participate in? Mortuary
If Heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? You are welcome here!!
Why I'm a geek- I am an obsessive compulsive recycler
Why I'm cool -I have messy hair
My addictions -Cheese
My heroes Willy Wonka
Music I like Soundgarden, Black Sabbath, Weezer and much, much more
Movies and TV I like Jaws, Lost
Subscriptions Blender, Detroit Free Press
Favorite Sesame Street Character? Cookie Monster (cuz he has messy fur)
If you were on Wheel of Fortune would you be the type of person who buys a vowel or wouldn't ever buy a vowel? I would never buy a vowel
First Job? Secretary at a heat treating factory
Best Job? Playing guitar in Candy Band
What book do you casually put out on your coffee table to impress visitors? I have this really cool book of letters and receipts from a store in the 1890’s – it is really smelly though!!
What is the strongest asset you bring to your career? Passion
What is the most important thing you've accomplished in your career? Making people smile and dance (no, really!!)
What is your favorite food? Pizza
1. Living arrangement? Living with my husband and 2 kids
3. What's on your screen saver? My kids
4. Favorite magazines? Blender, National Geographic, In Touch
5. Favorite smell? Lillacs
6. Least favorite smell? Bad breath
7. Favorite sound? Les Paul and Marshall combined
8. Worst feeling in the world? Roller coasters
9. What is the 1st thing you think of in the morning? coffee
10. Favorite color? Green
11. How many rings before you answer the phone? 2-3
13. What is most important in life? My kids
15. Do you like to drive fast? yes
16. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? no
17. Do you like storms? no
18. What was your first vehicle? Plymouth Scamp
19. If you could meet one person dead or alive, who would that be? Jim Morrison – he’s hot and poetic
20. Favorite alcoholic drink? champagne
21. What's your zodiac sign? Leo
22. Do you eat the stems of your broccoli? yes
23. If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? Playing guitar for Chris Cornell – as in resurrecting Soundgarden
24. If you dyed your hair, what color would you pick? Blonde
25. Have you ever been in love? Yes
26. Is the glass half empty or half full? Half empty
28. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? yes
29. What's under your bed? shoes


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