Candy Band Blog

Friday, October 13, 2006

This is what someone recently wrote to Candy Band on our MySpace site:

Candy Band, I saw you for the first time at the Zoo this summer, and bought your 3 CD's. I own a daycare/preschool center in Waterford and also teach our 4-year-old preschool. I introduced the kids to your music and your CD's are the ones they always request, thanks for making my days more fun by being able to listen to children's music that I really like! Thanks to your music we now pretend play "rock band" playing guitars, drums, singing, and dancing, it's been a great way to involve the boys who usually don't like to dance. I had many of your stickers and have been giving them to my parents--trying to get them to buy your CD's too! THANKS!

Thank you - I won't print your name - but I hope you don't mind that I put this on our website!!
xoxo A.Joy


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