Candy Band Blog

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Yesterday I went to the Dalley in the Alley (this is a street fair near Wayne State University campus in Detroit). It was a blast. Lots of fun bands and people. Saw some awesome bluegrass (The Syreens) and my friend Mike Murphys band the Space Heaters. Ran into alot of friends and even some kids in Candy Band t-shirts. Had lunch at Traffic Jam and Snug during the rainstorm - when we came out of the restaurant, the weather was great again. Thank you Dally coordinaters for another great year!!!
xoxo A.Joy


At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see you at the Dally! Our son Oliver (one of the kids sporting his Candy Band shirt)was very impressed you were there and he was amazed that there is a real Rebecca!
The music at the Dally is truly a Detroit Expereince! We would love to see Candy Band there next year!


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