Candy Band Blog

Monday, December 05, 2005

Okay, I know I am asking for it with a trip to Toys-R-Us during the holiday season, but this place was unreal. The return line was longer than Rapunzels hair, the cashiers were charging for multiple items that were not purchased so everyone was crabby and the guy in front of me (I ALWAYS pick the wrong line) had to get all his stuff re-entered in the already stuffed with cash. register, for what reason I do not know. When the cashier asked me for my phone number for survey purposes, of course I gave her the wrong one!! While I was trying to pay, a lady came up and asked my cashier if she remembered her purchases from last week, cuz she was overcharged. The cashier started to complain to me and I said "Hey, I gotta get outta here!!!"
Yikes, looking forward to January!!!
xoxox A.Joy


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